See why thousands of enterprise email marketing teams rely on Litmus for Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Litmus makes it easier than ever to create highly effective campaigns with Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Quickly build, test, and analyze your way to higher conversions and deeper insights.

COLLABORATEFrom standardized templates to centralized tasks, get everything you need to streamline workflows. Organize, build, review, test, and analyze until every email is on brand and looks great.

INTEGRATETest with Litmus as you build in Salesforce Marketing Cloud, or transfer code from Litmus to Salesforce with a single click. Any changes you make will sync instantly and automatically.

GAIN GREATER INSIGHTPersonalize and segment with reliable opens, read rates, and other insights you can’t get with Salesforce Marketing Cloud alone. Litmus lets you increase conversions with every email.

Litmus Extension in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Thoroughly test before you send

Litmus puts a powerful set of pre-send testing tools at your fingertips with Litmus Email Previews, Litmus Test, and more. See how each email renders on 100+ clients and devices while validating links and images, verifying subject lines, and testing dynamic content. Plus, test with Litmus directly inside of Salesforce Marketing Cloud to ensure your emails look great in every inbox.

Track the metrics that matter to make informed decisions and drive better results with Email Analytics in Litmus

Get powerful, holistic insights

Litmus Integrated Insights combines email performance data from Salesforce Marketing Cloud with subscriber engagement data from Litmus in a single view. Access actionable insights at a glance to drive your total marketing strategy, quickly identify opportunities to create more personalized experiences, optimize design and development, and improve campaign results – all without switching tools.

Integrated Insights Weekly Digest

Improve performance everywhere

First-party email insights can tell you as much about your audience as a tracking cookie. Get subscriber engagement data delivered to your inbox each week. Discover your top subject lines and identify your most engaging content, so you can build on what’s resonating. Then, share these insights to inform cross-channel strategy and improve overall marketing effectiveness.

See what other enterprises are achieving with the Litmus and Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration

DEG cut their testing time by 50% through integrating Litmus with Salesforce Marketing Cloud.

“With the Litmus Salesforce Marketing Cloud integration, we’ve cut our email QA time by over 50%, giving us time to focus our efforts on segmentation and other strategic campaign development opportunities.”

Adam MacDonald
Director of Campaign Management
DEG, Linked by Isobar

Read Success Story

Discover what you can do with Litmus and Salesforce Marketing Cloud

  • Create emails that look great in every inbox with Litmus Builder
  • Consolidate feedback and speed up approvals with Litmus Proof
  • Resolve delivery issues fast with Litmus Spam Testing
  • Eliminate the need for seed lists and test addresses

What Users Are Saying On


Tailored to your needs

Custom Users

Custom Email Previews

Boost collaboration and reduce review cycles with Proof

Manage access and customize resources with Subaccounts

Standardize tasks, templates, and brand settings for consistency

Improve marketing efforts with valuable insights from every campaign

Keep data and assets secure with advanced security settings and user permissions

Speed up production with integrations into Enterprise-grade ESPs

Oracle Eloqua
Oracle Eloqua
Oracle Responsys
Oracle Responsys
Salesforce Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Interested in pricing for Litmus Enterprise?

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